People make a community; given the right environment, they thrive and blossom. That’s why, at Divine Day Centre and Respite services, we actively encourage customers, family, friends, colleagues and visitors from the local community, to combine and create a vibrant neighbourhood that’s beneficial to everyone.

We are always exploring ways in which to engage people with their previous interests or occupations such as, gardening, baking, dancing, writing, golf etc.

Like any other close community, Divine Day Centre and Respite services generate a nurturing atmosphere which permeates all aspects of Divine Day Centre.

Just like any other family, we celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special times. We encourage our clients, if they wish, to get involved in everything from craft sessions making greetings cards, to helping decide on and organise events.


Enquiry Form


If you would like to have a confidential discussion about our services,

Please contact us on 07796781960 (David) & 07912220543
(Tumusiime) or send an email to